Travelled to VA Beach to see the Hales/Soetaerts. Spending time with family is always nice, especially since we won't really get to do much of that over the holidays, which as you all know is making me mildly depressed. This was a pretty short and relaxing weekend (minus the 5 hour drive down - 3 hour drive back - I hate DC traffic) and Justin and I (mainly I) got a new digital SLR camera from Grandma and Grandpa Hales as an early Christmas gift!
Needless to say, I spent the majority of the Saturday, studying the directions and hints and tricks. (And yes "studying" is the correct word to use if you know me at all!)
We left early on Sunday so I could get back for yoga class - which is still such a nice workout for me and I love going and chatting with the other soon-to-be Mommies and Sarah.
Another week of work. Well actually only four days for me because I had Friday off.
Well, not "off" exactly since I had a continuing education course all this weekend - 8-5 on Friday and Saturday and 8-1 today in Sterling, VA. Getting there on Friday morning was a large pain in my you-know-what, but overall it was a great review course and we learned some really cool new things to help diagnose patients with ankle/foot problems and help treat them with orthotics. I can now cast for orthotics and order them for patients who may really need them which is kinda cool.
Despite being a great course, I know have a full week of work ahead of me (and a Doctor's appointment on Tuesday) so I'm really dreading this.
I have just about reached the last trimester now (so this is probably my last second trimester post!) and the severe fatigue I was feeling in my first trimester is slowly creeping back up on me, which is a main reason I haven't posted in a while. Justin and I are trying to figure out some little details to prepare for our little one's arrival, including deciding between hiring a doula and just taking birthing/baby classes through our doctor's office. I'm really looking forward to this week of work being over, and travelling to see soon-to-be Uncle Paul play at Penn State next weekend with Aunt Megan. And a big night out on Saturday with our friends for the yearly Brion's Grill showing of the Fred Chao Band for Halloween.
Speaking of Halloween - I (or we if I can get Justin to dress up) need costume ideas for pregnant ladies (or couples)- my pregnancy prevents a large amount of brainstorming so any help would be appreciated!!
Last year I just wore an orange Halloween t-shirt that I got at Target with maternity jeans. I think it was an XL from the regular women's section. I wasn't quite as far along as you are though, so depending on the belly that might not work for you!