Tuesday, August 17, 2010


I think I may have felt our little soybean doing some somersaults today!!  I can't really be sure because it was very faint and, seeing as this is my first time, I'm not really sure what I'm going to feel.  It sorta felt like a swirling sensation in my belly this a.m. when I woke up.  The main thing that makes me think he/she may be moving is that this "swirling" feels different from all the indigestion and gas I've been feeling.  I'm so excited.

I'm also a little nervous because everyone always talks about kicking, and for anyone that has read the Twilight books, all I can think about is Bella's vampire baby kicking her and breaking her ribs and causing her all this pain.  Obviously, I know that Baby Hales won't be breaking my ribs but I hope it becomes more obvious than the swirling.  But for now, I LOVE the swirls:).

P.S. I figured out a way that I can sleep with significantly less indigestion.  I've been stacking pillows up like a bolster behind my back so I'm reclined instead of lying flat which I normally prefer.  I'm basically in a much better and significantly less irritable mood today than I was yesterday, and I can't wait for pre-natal yoga this week.  Although, I'll be missing our normal teacher, Sarah Lynn.

Happy 18 weeks today (according to the ultrasound people!)

1 comment:

  1. I was worried about the whole Twilight/Renesme/Nudger thing when I was pregnant with AJ too! So funny! Don't worry, I didn't turn into a vampire...yet. lol
