Um...could I BE anymore tired? I really don't think so. I've been pretty lucky with the whole morning sickness and cramping symptoms of early pregnancy, but the fatigue, I think, has hit me about 5 times as hard as others (now I'm assuming here as I can't really speak for other, but...) My legs were literally shaking at yoga class because of fatigue/weakness.
I wake up every morning feeling like I've sleep for about 14 hours (which I clearly haven't, at least not without getting up to go to the bathroom at least 3 times) but that even though I feel like that, I ALWAYS feel like I could sleep for another 14 straight without even the bat of an eyelash. I actually have been afraid quite a few times at work standing over a patient, that I would fall asleep standing up and proceed to fall on top of my patients on the table. It's ridiculous. People keep telling me it's going to get better but seriously, WHEN?!?!
About 16 weeks for me. I woke up one morning and it was like I woke up from a nice restful sleep and it didn't get bad again until recently (around 34-36 weeks).