Sunday, August 14, 2016

Tanner David: 7 Month Update

Weight: 20 pounds 2 ounces  (apparently table food does a baby good 2 pounds in a month)

Length: Not measured :)

Head Circumference: See above :)

Physical Milestones:  This month, Tanner has learned to army crawl all over the place, sit up unsupported and move from sitting to belly.  He is really getting the hang of moving around to wear he wants to be.  He love to move his hands and try to imitate.  And he loves to push all the buttons on the baby toys that make a BUNCH of noise. :)

Eating/Sleeping:  We started table food this month and Tanner is a big fan!  We are still nursing on our same schedule and he has started to get down to 2 pretty good naps consistently each day.  Still waking up 1-2 times per night to eat.  Usually once, never at the same time and still almost always goes right back to sleep without issue.  We are probably at about 2 meals per day with table food so far and he seems to enjoy everything we have given him so far!

Tanner is still probably one of the happiest babies I've known.  He loves to smile and laugh at everything.  He still has fluid in his ears (though it is not infected) so we've been back to the doctor a few times to keep rechecking to see if the fluid will go away.  He sure has been through a lot in his short life with doctors so far!!  We are so excited to go to see Gigi and Papa in South Carolina next week and enjoy some sunshine and Grandma/Grandpa time!  It will be a long drive in the car for my super mobile baby!

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