And I'm back. Sort of.
I know it has been forever and I know I need to post an update on the kids and all the goings on in our lives. I promise I will, but this post is for another reason.
Many of you may know that I have recently become very interested in yoga (obsessed would probably be what Justin told you.) I love it so much, and for more than just the physical work out, that I decided to pursue my yoga teacher training this summer. It was one of the best experiences I have had. I has changed me as a person and grown my personal practice tremendously. I love that yoga is about more than just the physical poses. It's about learning about yourself and being mindful and present in all aspects of your life at all times. It's about breathing and meditation and most importantly to me, community and support.
After I finished my teacher training, I took a continuing education course for work to begin to pursue my specialization in women's health and pelvic floor. I especially want to work towards a specialization in perinatal health. I truly love this time in my life (pregnancy, labor, babies, kids). I am so passionate about helping ladies in this time of their life find community and support, especially when they are down or in need of that community of women in similar situations.
Prenatal yoga is what initially got me interested in yoga over 4 years ago. If you have been following my blog from the beginning, after finding out we were surprisingly pregnant with Kayla and not being completely overjoyed at the thought, you know that prenatal yoga really helped me through my pregnancy by keeping my active and giving me a community of other pregnant mommies who were in similar situations.
I want to share yoga and what yoga has done for me with everyone around me. I cannot wait to start teaching yoga, but I am especially passionate about prenatal yoga teacher training. I have felt my whole life that I have a general idea of what I love and want to do, but I've always felt somewhat lost on what I TRULY wanted. I feel like over the last year, deciding to pursue Women's Health Physical Therapy and with the introduction of yoga into my life, the path of my life has finally been set before me. And I really want to start walking that path. But I need some help!
My birthday and Christmas are both coming up. I've done some research and found a certified Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training program that I really want to pursue. I've figured out a way I can help the instructors out and get a slight discount on the price of the program, but I still need some help with the cost. It's going to end up being around $1500 for me to start my journey towards what I believe is my calling. If you feel like donating, giving me a small gift for my birthday or Christmas, or maybe you want me to teach you yoga (I totally will), please click the button below to donate as much or as little as you wish!!!
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this little old blog!
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