Alas, I don't and I can't. But my point is this: I've been getting little else done with the Olympics on t.v. And next week when they are over, we are getting rid of our cable. To save money and so we can do swim lessons with the kids. Priorities. And I think it will be good for me. We mostly watch stuff on network t.v. anyways so we will figure things out.
After t.v. is gone, and the Olympics are over, I will hopefully be blogging more since I'll have more time on my hands (lol probably not as much as I'm imagining.)
Anyways, back to the holiday post part 1 I am WAY behind on. We spent Christmas Eve as I have always remembered it, at my maternal grandparents' house with that side of my family. It wasn't anything special but was so nice. Christmas was extra fun this year with 3 little kiddos running around, especially an almost 3 year old who had to be convinced to open ALL of the presents without playing with anything first.
Enjoy some photos from Christmas Eve...Christmas day coming soon.
Also, this Christmas was a significant step up from last Christmas where Kayla got literally everybody sick.
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