Sunday, January 19, 2014

Thanksgiving 2013

So this week is Kayla's birthday week and the week I'm starting blogging more regularly.  I'm going to have to try to plan ahead and pull my camera out more often and I'm excited about it!  For now here's a briefly worded but heavily photographed Thanksgiving recap.

As last year, we went to my parents house for Thanksgiving where my mom and dad open the doors and Megan does all the cooking. :)  My parents condo gets great light for the most part, so these photos turned out overall better than the day before, but still need some work.  I was trying to get a bunch of photos of the kids and maybe some candids as well.  Not my best work but I think I got some keepers.

After lots of playing and laughing, we ate in the mid afternoon (started before the boys woke up from naps.)  Kayla didn't take a nap...shocker.  The food was delicious as usual and we had to bride Kayla to eat her turkey with a giant frosted turkey cookie my grandparents had brought for her.  Each bite she took, the turkey got closer to her.  I'm not going to lie, I bride the kid like crazy because it works.  I like to think of it as a reward more than a bribe.  She responds well to positive reinforcement versus negative consequences.  

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My cute little nephew. :)  He likes my camera.
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My little sister, nephew and future neice/nephew.
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Cheesing for me
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This one doesn't love my camera so much...
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If I play peek a boo, he will smile though.
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Liam plays very intensely. :)
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My little man
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Liam was so cute watching Kayla play with Gigi's iPad
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Brody caught playing
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For some odd reason, my son loves playing in the bathroom (especially with the toilet lid??)
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"Come here Liam!"
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"Check this out!  It's makes sounds when you hit it."
 photo BrodyHarp2.jpg
Caught again...
 photo BoysHarp4.jpg
Trying to be creative
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The two that kinda like the camera
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Kayla is at a really fun photography age because she kinda likes for me to take her picture now!
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Making him laugh <3
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Those baby blues :)
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Trying to tell her to keep her legs closed for the photos...
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Aunt Lauren helping her cross her legs
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My little ham :)
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Love this kid.
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Not the best candids, but I love watching my little sister be a mom. :)
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Great Uncle Pat is HILARIOUS
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Liam wondering what is going on...
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Time to play ball with Aunt Meme
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So much fun
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Brody taking a break with his great grandpa.
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Megan and Liam...
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This photo cracks me up...typical of all the kids.  Liam: chillin'.  Kayla: acting silly.  Brody: not thrilled someone else is sitting in Meme's lap...
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He doesn't like to be left out.
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Seriously, my kid loves his cousin.
 photo MegBoys3.jpg
Liam's face kills me.
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He always wants to be behind the camera...
 photo KaylaBall1.jpg
My silly, crazy, adorable girl.
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She thinks she's so funny.
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Liam has a really awesome side arm.
 photo LiamThrowingBall2.jpg

The Spread!!

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The cook
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My original nephew.  This may be one of my favorites I took all day.
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My favorite men. :)
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Another one of my favorite men!
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The original man in my life carving the bird.  He's always very focused.  I should compare photos from last years...
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Setting the food out.
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Trying to get a photo of me.  I need to learn how to set it up faster for Justin to take our picture.
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Playing peek-a-boo with Liam.

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