One day before his birthday. I've been busy editing photos and plan on posting tomorrow and possibly Sunday or Monday. :) We are going apple picking for Brody's birthday.
Weight: Not really sure. I'll have to put him on the scale later to see, but I'm guessing maybe 22 lbs?
Length: No way this is happening. I'll do a stats update after our doctor's visit next week.
Head Circumference: See above.
Physical Milestones: He loves his "walker" toys and he can pretty easily stand on his own and maneuver around the furniture and toys easily. On my mom's birthday, Brody took his first steps and we managed to catch some of them on video. For the week after that leading up to his 11 month birthday he decided that wasn't for him. Crawling was faster and easier. He climbs up on EVERYTHING. I love the little smirk he gets when I look over at him and he's somehow standing on the ottoman. OOO he is going to be so much trouble.
Length: No way this is happening. I'll do a stats update after our doctor's visit next week.
Head Circumference: See above.
Physical Milestones: He loves his "walker" toys and he can pretty easily stand on his own and maneuver around the furniture and toys easily. On my mom's birthday, Brody took his first steps and we managed to catch some of them on video. For the week after that leading up to his 11 month birthday he decided that wasn't for him. Crawling was faster and easier. He climbs up on EVERYTHING. I love the little smirk he gets when I look over at him and he's somehow standing on the ottoman. OOO he is going to be so much trouble.
Eating: Still a champ in this area. He eats everything and puts everything in his mouth like he's surprised not everything he touches is food. #fatkidproblems He has started trying to "use" things as they are intended (i.e. brushes, the forehead thermometer) so I started giving him a fork/spoon. He definitely doesn't get it, but that ok. He has to learn somehow.
Verbal: He says Mama and Dada pretty clearly, and I think something that he says means Kayla, but it's definitely not clear.
Sleeping: At some point between 10-11 months, Brody caught on. It's cool to sleep. He rarely wakes up before 5 am now (occasionally he will fuss/cry a bit but always puts himself back to sleep pretty easily). If it's 5 or later I will feed him. If I feed him he will sometimes go back to sleep until 7-7:30. If he doesn't wake up, he is usually up for the day around 6-6:30. He is still consistently napping twice a day at home. The times very a bit depending on when he wakes up in the morning. Through all this sleep difficulty, I am very very thankful I have a baby boy who EASILY goes down for naps and nighttime, rarely any fussing/crying and I lay him down awake. And it's been this way since he was born pretty much.
Likes: Peek-a-boo, clapping, waving, eating, pushing buttons (mine included), Kayla, love bites/open mouthed kisses
Dislikes: me telling him no
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