Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Brody Lawrence: 6 month update

This post is ridiculously late, but now that we are somewhat settled into our new house and t.v. shows are wrapping up for the summer, I have some more time to try to catch up and get back to my blog.  This blog is very important to me because it's my documentation of my kids growing up so I really want to try to dedicate more time to writing/posting.

Weight: 17 lb 9.7 oz (50th%)

Length: 2' 4.5" (also known as 28.5 inches if you can't do the math) (100th%)

Head Circumference:  43.8 cm (60th%)

Physical Milestones:  Brody started army crawling EVERYWHERE, and FAST.  He really didn't seem too interested in true crawling as he was getting everywhere he needed and wanted to go without problem by doing the worm.  He still isn't a big fan of sitting.  Pretty much whatever position you put him in he immediately gets to his stomach and starts scooting all over the place.  He will get up on all fours still and towards the end of this month started moving one leg or one hand.  He will play with a toy with one hand while on all fours, so maybe he will start true crawling soon.

Eating:  We began giving him pretty much three meals of solids foods every day, usually some form of fruits or veggies mixed with oatmeal.  Some times he eats a ton and other times he's not too interested.  He still really loves nursing and we are nursing about 5 or 6 times a day (usually still one time at night.)  

Sleeping:  So I honestly can't remember back this far (I'm writing this currently as I am WAY behind on writing Brody's updates...which makes me feel like a total failure to him.)  I can tell you with 100% certainty he wasn't sleeping great.  Putting him to bed earlier at night (around 6:30 or so) seemed to be helping some.  He would usually sleep until 1 or 2 and then until 5:30 or 6 am (which is apparently his morning time...not mine.)  but honestly, our biggest problem with trying to sleep train him has been that he has not been consistent at all.  One night, he'll wake up 3 or 4 times and then next he will sleep until 3 or 4 and eat and go back to sleep.  It's super frustrated but he's learning a lot in a short amount of time.  Oh well...cest la vie.

Random 6 Month photos:  (All taken around St. Patty's Day which was around his half birthday :) 
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