Weight: 22 lb 12 oz (25th percentile)
Height: 2 ft 10.5 inches (99th percentile)
Head Circumference: 48 cm (87th percentile)
I don't know if I remember doing a 15 month MD check up/update but these doctor's visits were seriously getting less and less exciting for me as she literally hated every single minute of it. Cried the entire time and that is totally not like her. Well, today she was a total angel for the nurse. She laid right down and stuck her leg straight so she could measure her length. She sat like a good girl on the scale and waited patiently. She didn't even cry when she measured her head!
Speaking of which, apparently her head growth is slowing down. The percentile is down and her head has only grown 1/2 a cm since her 1 year check up! When the doctor came in, she was still very good until the end of the appointment when Dr. H laid her down to check her tummy and diaper areas. She had a rash today so I think I'm going to try to bleach my cloth diapers. We'll see how it goes. I should probably do a cloth diapering update soon too!
Dr. H and I talked about her milestones and her speech. I told her Kayla isn't a big meat and veggie eater and that she loves orange juice. Apparently we are doing everything right by pure luck. I asked her about her opinion on vaccinations since it's sort of a hot topic in parenting right now. She officially convinced me we are doing the right thing by vaccinating on schedule. I told her this is the one parenting choice where I have a very strong opinion in one direction and my temperature rises a little bit when even thinking people partially vaccinate/don't vaccinate/vaccinate on different schedules. I'm not sure I want to get into this debate on my blog but anyways...we are vaccinating fully and on schedule.
Some more milestone information:
Physical milestones: Running, climbing, going up stairs wherever we can find them, throwing balls, you name it she tries it. :)
Motor milestones: Kayla can use a spoon and fork pretty well now and is actually quite good at drinking out of a normal cup without spilling everything. She is quite the little mimic and it's amazing how much she picks up. She is very helpful as well: putting laundry in the hamper, helping mommy get ready in the morning with her face lotion, hair brush and make up, putting trash in the trash can. I hope she keeps being so helpful!
Eating: I told the doctor the main thing Kayla won't really eat is veggies. She will eat some corn, peas and soybeans randomly, and occasionally potatoes. For the most part, she loves fruit, dairy and pasta. She really loves fruit..any fruit. And orange juice. She has to have a cup of "joose" in the morning (the "J" kinda sounds like a "sh" sound.) Dr. H said this was fine as long as she has yogurt like she normally does and maybe one other serving of dairy every day.
Sleeping/Napping: She is still working on her 1 year molars and her I teeth :) so the sleeping right now is a little bit up and down. She doesn't really wake up much, but she is getting up a little earlier in the day and her one nap (which we are down to) has been a little shorter the past week. I was pretty hesitant to go down to one nap but the transition was SO much easier than from 3 to 2 naps. And we get to go to appointments, run errands and have more fun in the mornings not worrying about naps. And her one nap in the afternoon is considerably longer (well it was before this week), usually she is in her room for 2.5 to 3 hours for me. She sometimes wakes up and plays but I get those couple hours of alone time. (At this point, most of the time I nap during that time as well.)
She has also started to sing "Twinkle, twinkle" to her baby dolls at bed and nap time. It's funny because when she "says" twinkle, it's more like this throaty guttural sound that kinda sounds like "twinkle." She's been awesome with her baby dolls putting them down for "baps" (naps) and washing one in the bath tub every night. I hope she is as helpful and accepting of the new baby!
Speech: Kayla has a lot of words now. A lot of them sound very similar and sometimes it's hard for even Justin and I to understand, but for the most part we know what she is asking for almost all the time. Some of her favorites right now are: juice, more (mo-mo), apple (still), yeah (da, we are working on "yes"), please, thank you (achoo), babies, cups, nap, Hi, Bye (or bye bye but we are down to one bye usually now), mama, dada, hat, hot, ice, and many more. She understands SO much, but she is still doing a lot of pointing and grunting. It's getting better though.
Potty Training: Wow I can't believe I'm even adding this category. Around when Kayla was 13-14 months old, Justin and I decided to buy a potty. Not because we were going to potty train her per se, but more so that we could introduce her to the ideas since she understands so much. Sort of like really slow prolonged potty training. She has pooped on the potty once (little seat on big person potty because she is not a fan of the toddler potty.) I think she understands poop goes in the potty, but she isn't quick enough to tell us BEFORE she poops yet. She usually will tell us right after she poops. And she doesn't get the "pee pee" or "tinkle" in the potty yet. We give her naked time for about 30 minutes every night before her bath and we haven't had many accidents during that time at all. Still a huge work in progress. Any advice on potty learning?
I'm constantly amazing at how smart she is. Everyone says they aren't surprised because she is my child, but I honestly never thought I was that smart. I got good grades in school because I have a great memory and I'm an awesome test taker, not necessarily because I'm smart. Kayla is SMART! She picks up on everything and uses it almost immediately. She is such a happy social baby too. She loves to be the center of attention and laugh when everyone else is laughing. I'm so curious to see what she grows up to do!!
I love my little peanut so much and I'm enjoying every last second I get to spend with her before Baby Hales #2 arrives.
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My skinny, TALL peanut at her appointment today. She was so good! |
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I told you, the kid loves fruit. Look at that giant container of berries! |
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Mommy and me date at the mall. Red Mango vanilla frozen yogurt with strawberries and kiwi. This might be a regular occurrence for the rest of the summer for us! |
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Kayla's naked time...she's playing on the iPhone. :) (Not sure why she has the paci in her mouth...she doesn't use one except for naps and night time.) |
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This kid is definitely a fish. She loves swim lessons with Dada, she loves the pool, she loves the splash pads. I've never seen a kid happier to be in water. |
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And she still loves the laundry basket...18 months ago and a couple weeks ago. :) |
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