Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Happy Very Belated Easter!

Sorry for the radio silence the past week.  It was crazy busy with some very exciting news and we were in Milwaukee all weekend which I will recap later this week.  For now, here is a quick recap of our Easter celebration with my siblings.  I started to edit the photos but only got about halfway so they aren't really "final products."

Justin and I woke up early to get Kayla dressed in her Easter dress and head to my parents to spend the day with my sisters and brother.  They were hiding some eggs filled with snacks for Kayla and my sister was making ham and potatoes for a semi-early dinner.

We headed over before feeding Kayla breakfast (to avoid any car sickness) and fed her when we got there.  Aunt Megan "hid" the eggs around the living room in Kayla's favorite places to play.  There were a dozen eggs filled with Kayla's favorite snacks: goldfish, cookies, yogurt drops and cheerios.  I wasn't sure Kayla would care much for trying to "find" the eggs, but here is a snapshot of how it went:

Point Kayla to the egg in "hiding," "find" eggs

Open eggs and take out favorite snacks to put in mouth

Shake the remaining contents all over floors while dogs swarm around and adults frantically try to pick up "best" snacks

But it was fun.  She searched.

She ate.

She waved at Kevin.

And played with all her new toys from Mommy & Daddy and Gigi & Papa.

Oh, and petted/chased the dogs.  All-in-all a fun Easter day!

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