Monday, September 26, 2011

NMM 9/26/11 - A little belated

Whatever you dream for your baby, be sure to keep dreaming for yourself.  
You will be richer for it.

Ok, honestly, I needed this advice this week.  And I'm not kidding you, I don't pick whichever saying from my book "Eat Your Peas" that I want to put up each week.  I am slowly going through the book one at a time in order.  (And honestly, if you know me at all, skipping around all willy-nilly isn't really my style.  I'm more of a structured, organized, read-a-book-from-front-to-back-no-matter-what-book-it-may-be kinda girl.)  So, if you are one of those people who has some belief in fate and destiny, I'm pretty sure this is it.

I've missed a few Mondays here and there as you probably know, and clearly that was supposed to happen so that I could come to this moment.  I've been struggling since we arrived here in Illinois with blogging for some reason.  And tonight, I just decided that I love blogging and I need to get back on the wagon.  So I forced myself to search through our stuff that isn't quite fully unpacked yet to find my book and write this post.

I've been spending as much time as I can with Kayla because I'm supposed to go back to work this week. (Don't even get me started on all the delays.)  I'm really struggling with this, as I always thought I would be a working mom.  I'd worked so hard for my career and I didn't want to give it up too easily.  Then we got married, and I had a hard time finding a job I liked, and I started thinking more and more about starting a family.  Here we are and Kayla and Justin are my priorities, not my career.  So it's been extremely difficult to wrap my head around leaving her to go to a job that's just that...a job.

But I have to remember that I am more than just Kayla's momma (which she says unknowingly now...I win! :)  I am a strong, independent woman who worked hard for everything she has.  And I have to remember that I don't think I'm ready to give up everything I am.  And I think that being away during the day will make me appreciate my time with Kayla so much more.  And not just that, I have a lot of other dreams and goals that I want to accomplish completely separate from being a mom.

So today, I needed this advice.  And I hope that maybe someone else needed it too. :)


Things I am going to try to write about this week:
  • Getting back on track with my 101 list.
  • Kayla's belated 8 month birthday post/pictures.
  • My first day(s) back at work.
  • Our little family DC experience.
  • Of course some Friday Favorites.
Also, today marks exactly 1 month until our family trip to the Big Island of Hawaii.  It's ok to be jealous. :)  Maybe I can add a countdown to my

Have a GREAT week! :)

1 comment:

  1. This is great advice! I think I lose myself in being a Mom too much, and wanting the best for AJ, that I forget that I had my own hopes and dreams once too! Thanks for posting this and I'm glad it has helped you, as well. I know it will be a hard adjustment, going back to work, but I've heard that lots of Mama's find they're actually better for it! Hopefully that holds true for you as well!
