Friday 4/8: Kayla slept for about 7 hours straight and when she woke up at about 4, Justin and I showered and got ready to go. I fed her again at about 6 and said hello and goodbye to Shirley and Steve and headed out towards Milwaukee. Kayla did surprisingly well in the car. She slept some and smiled/played some and certainly cried some. We actually only stopped once as we fed her from a bottle in the car a couple times and we arrived in Milwaukee at around 4:00 pm. We had dinner with Great Aunt MEM and great grandparents #2 and 3 Kayla has met, my Grammy and Papa, as well as Aunt Lauren and we saw Great Aunt Terri and Kayla's other great aunt, uncle and 2nd cousins for a few minutes!
Saturday 4/9: One of Justin's best men from our wedding, Will was also visiting Milwaukee so he arrived around midnight. Kayla slept from 9:30 to 7 am! That's 9.5 hours people! I'm sure she was wiped out from the car ride, but I woke up at 5 in amazement and then was up for about an hour just basically waiting for her to wake up:). We went to Buy Buy Baby and the mall to do some shopping. Kayla slept a lot of the time, except when we went to lunch but she was very well behaved. Pretty low key day but it was fun!
Sunday 4/10: This was supposed to be the big Markowski family get together day. (P.S. Kayla slept for 8.5 hours.) My dad was coming up from Illinois and we were all going to be having dinner at my Grammy's house. However, in the morning, my Papa wasn't feeling too great in church. He had an irregular heart beat and started feeling faint. They admitted him to the hospital and wanted him to stay overnight. At first they thought he was dehydrated and overheated, then overnight his heart stopped for 6 seconds. They decided they were going to put a pacemaker in. Needless to say, Sunday was a pretty low-key day, people coming and going from MEM's house to the hospital, but Kayla got to see everyone (except Papa - I'm glad she got to see him on Friday!) and she got multiple walks on the weekend!
Monday 4/11: (Kayla slept for about 6 hours.) We hung around for the morning to get some things done (big secret :) ) and then went to lunch with Lauren, Will, Aunt MEM and Aunt Terri at Potbellies. It was a nice ending to our Milwaukee leg of the trip. Cross our fingers, we will see them all again soon! On our way to Papa and Gigi (my new name for my mom) Markowski's house, we stopped at grandpa's office to show off Kayla to his employees (I call them his minions ;) ). Not too many people were there so we made plans to come back later in the week. We got to their condo and my Dad had to go to dinner so Justin and I spent some time with Kayla on our own and put her to bed at about 8 pm.
Tuesday 4/12: (Kayla slept for 6.5-7 hours.) Gigi had to work, so we planned to head to Glen Ellyn to see Great grandparents #4 and 5, my Nanny and Gramps. Nanny and Justin spent a morning and early afternoon with Kayla while Mommy got some stuff done (secret again) and then Gramps, Aunt Lindy, Uncle Pete and two cousins, Kelsey and Makala, came for dinner and to meet Kayla. She sure is popular! I know I already said this, but I love seeing all of my family interact with her and seeing her smile at everyone, despite the overstimulation! OH! And Great Papa Markowski had a pacemaker put in and seems to be doing very well!
Wednesday 4/13: Kayla did not sleep well at all. Well, she slept for about 5.5 hours straight and then woke up after 1.5 hours and then another 1.5 hours. She was so crabby...I think it was because of some overstimulation from meeting so many people! I also am kinda convinced she might be teething a little bit early. Gigi, Dad and Mom took Kayla back to Grandpa's office to meet everyone. Kayla was pretty well-behaved, until the end of the introductions when she got a little cranky...too many people to meet! Then the four of us went to the mall. We had lunch, stopped at Land of Nod to sit in our glider we plan to get, went to Macy's, Coach and Best Buy. Kayla napped the ENTIRE time! MUCH longer than 30 minutes, more like 3 hours! It was glorious and I'm so glad she was getting some sleep after a hard night! When we got back to the condo, Kayla got to meet her first Hokie Volleyball player, Katie Esbrook King! It is so great for me to get to see my friends I haven't seen in a long time and get to introduce them to Kayla! Then Gigi baby sat for a little while so Justin and I could walk around. We went to my favorite yoga store LuluLemon and then to eat sushi. Kayla was asleep when we got home!
Today, Thursday 4/14: We are all going to rest up today. Maybe go for a walk if it's nice enough out, but otherwise, we need to keep things a little low-key for Kayla before we head to Columbus tomorrow to spend time with our rather large but really fun family! So many wonderful things going on on this trip!
P.S. If I don't get a chance to blog again, FOREVER A HOKIE 4/16 - I will always remember! <3
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