#1 Happy Easter! Kayla is wearing her Easter outfit today. We did not put a basket together for her, which I feel a bit guilty about, but Justin and I joked, "What would we put in it? A bottle of breast milk?" :) She received to little lamb stuff animals on our trip to the midwest so I guess that is her Easter gift for her first Easter! :)
#2 The remainder of our midwest road trip went pretty well. We drove out to Columbus OH to spend some time with family, a gathering at my mom's cousin Kathy and Harvey's house on Friday, a wedding reception on Saturday for my 2nd/3rd cousin Alex and Virginia, his new bride, and a baby shower for my other cousin's wife Leslie. A busy weekend for us and Kayla but she was a champ. She was very well-behaved on our trip considering all the travel. We were glad to be home however everything has been SO off this week with Kayla. She isn't sleeping nearly as well at night, she was so fussy during the day, she isn't eating as well and as usual isn't napping great. It's been rough, but we are getting through it. She's 3 months old now!!! And hopefully this potential growth spurt, possible teething cranky period will be over soon. Last night, she slept for about 5+ hours so that is a step forward!
#3 and what I really wanted to blog about was my cloth diapering experience this week.
So far, it's going pretty well (minus the first day when I put one of the inserts in the wrong way and he gave her some serious bum rash). Here's is a quick review of a few of the diapers I have tried:
Bum Genius 4.0s: One size pocket diapers. I have 6 of these, all you do is stuff an insert into the pocket and it snaps on just like a normal diaper. These are super easy and no explosions out the diaper thus far. I have them in blue, green and a yellow color. Con: they are a bit bulky and kinda annoying to stuff.
FLIP system: This is a hybrid one size diaper. I have two covers and 6 inserts. The inserts are basically a rectangle that you tuck into the front and back of the diaper and the snap just like the BumGenius do. So far, these are my least favorite. They are pretty easy and if Kayla only has a wet diaper, you can just switch the dirty insert with a new clean one. However they are the most bulky of all of my bulky diapers and the poop by no means stays off of the cover. These were the least expensive of the diapers though so that is a plus. I think I will like them more when Kayla is a little bigger so they don't rise up so high on her back. They also have disposable inserts to use when out of the house which is nice but I haven't tried them yet!
Fuzzibunz: Another one size pocket diaper. (Most of these one size pocket diapers come with two sized inserts so I'm not even going to bother adding that as a pro or con.) This is my favorite one size pocket that I have right now. Instead of snapping smaller and larger up the front of the diaper, the leg elastic is adjustable to fit to your baby's size. I only have one of these as I bought it with the cloth diaper one size trial package so I'd really like to get a couple more of them but for now, what I have is working. I think these are the least bulky of all the diapers I have which is another reason I like them.
Rumparooz: One size pocket diaper. Very similar to the BumGenius but has extra gussets in the lining. Really not much different to say about this one. Again, I only have one and it's pretty bulky and I probably won't buy any more of these.
Happy Heiny's: Another one size pocket diaper. Very similar to all the other ones. This one seems SLIGHTLY less bulky and is therefore higher on my list of ones to grab when in need. Same snap up the front and around baby to adjust size. Oh, however, a really great pro to this diaper is that the snaps around baby can cross over in the front, unlike all of the other diapers, which is nice when you have a skinny minny like Kayla! :)
Kissaluvs: A one size diaper. I haven't tried this one yet as the way you adjust the size is folding down the front flap and it seems it would be ENORMOUS on Kayla. But I can say I can't wait to give it a go when she's a little bit bigger and there is no pocket to stuff and the print is SUPER cute (and the inside is super soft!)
GroVia: One size, hybrid diaper. Kinda similar to the FLIP system but a million times better! They are still a little bulky but here's why I really like them. Although I don't mind the snaps, but these have snaps up the front for sizing but they have hook and loop closure (most similar to disposables) around Baby. Also, the insert snaps into the inside and it has extra gussets to help keep poop under control. I only have one of these and I'd really like to get a few more covers and a few more inserts because I really liked them. These also have disposable inserts for outings.
Lastly, Econobum. Another one size hybrid very similar to the FLIP system. I didn't like this one at all. The insert is hemp and all organic, etc, but Kayla wet it through so fast and she was screaming because of it. Needless to say, this diaper will be going to the back of the drawer!
So far, I don't have much to say regarding differences in the diapers as it has only been a week, but I'll keep you updated. So far, BumGenious, Fuzzibunz and GroVia are my favorites! I am getting some of another brand called Oh Katy in the mail this week which are supposedly "trimmer" but I'll let you know when I try them out!
P.S. Laundering is super easy with my washable pail liner and all. The hardest part is using disposable wipes since I can't just wrap them up in the diaper. I'm actually considering cloth wipes since it would almost be easier to just toss them in the wash with the diapers, but for now, I'll just focus on the diapers!