While I was lying in bed with Samson yesterday, I started thinking about how quickly this whole pregnancy thing is going. I'm trying to savor every moment, but the days seem to be flying by. Yesterday was the 18th, which would make it exactly 5 months along. I feel like I should be doing more nesting and planning for a baby but I'm not. I find myself trying to plan for our first anniversary weekend coming up next month, which I think it ok. I don't want to forget about our relationship just because we are starting a family. We bought tickets to go see OVO, the cirque de soleil show at National Harbor on October 9th, which I'm pretty excited about. And I think Justin is also excited because his co-worker told him what a great show it was, so great that she is going to see it again. Then on Sunday, our actual anniversary, we are going to stroll around Annapolis, because that's what Justin wants to do. Something for me (food and OVO) and something for him. I can't wait to look back on our first, needless to say eventful, year together. And I really can't wait until Monday October 11th, to lay in bed and watch movies all day with my husband.
I kinda lost track of my journal entries but here is the Month 5 journal:
1. You know you're still in mind, body and spirit, even though your body is doing a change-up. Think of your fashion MO and how you can maintain your joy for color and style even with the bump.
Trying to stay looking and feeling pretty has been quite the challenge for me. I have had the most success at Gap Maternity. Normally, I hate the Gap - boring colors, nothing special, but I actually like that about their maternity because I can still wear all my cute cardigans (old and new) over them with some fun jewelry or, my favorite accessory, scarves! I'm pretty pumped about the fall weather so I can get back to all my sweaters (or at least the ones that might still work for me.)
2. Take a picture of yourself in your best pregnant fashion and post it here.
To be continued later when I actually take some pictures in my pregnant fashion! I have an outfit planned for a friend's birthday party in a few weeks. I'll try to be better about posting pictures!
3. Hey, what was that? Record the kicks of your baby- where, when, how hard?
I think I've sort of already covered this but the very first "swirling" motions I felt were around 18 weeks in the morning before getting ready to go to work. I started feeling some more clear kicks, especially the night of our half-way ultrasound, at the end of August (19.5 weeks). The exciting thing for me this weekend was I started to feel a lot more like the baby is flipping and turning rather than just kicking. I love noting all the new sensations I feel, sometimes it makes me laugh.
4. What baby names do you like today?
I learned my lesson about this about a month or so ago, I'm no longer asking anyone's opinion but my husband and our closest family, because, no offense, but I don't really care what anyone else thinks about names I like for OUR child. :) We are going to try to pick out about 2 or 3 boys and girls names because we both feel like we can't rightly name someone before we meet them!
5. What suggested baby name have you heard?
My boss, Kate, throws out the most odd names- Hortense, Horatio are her favorites. A patient gave me Sloan the other day, but I'm not a fan...I kinda sounds like a Husky's name to me. Other than that, most of the time, people oddly suggest their own names!
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