Weight: 16 pounds 10 ounces (71%)
Length: 27.25 inches (99%)
Head circumference: 43 cm (85%)
Physical milestones: This month, my littlest guy started rolling from back to belly. He's a big fan of tummy time so not much rolling the opposite way, he prefers to be playing on his belly. He has definitely discovered his hands and his hands have found his mouth :). Just like pretty much everything else - straight to the mouth.
Eating/Sleeping: We are still on our normal every 3-4 hour eating schedule. Tanner doesn't seem to be too interested in eating solids. I started some solids with the other two kids around 4-5 months. I specifically remember Brody really being interested when we were eating. Tanner on the other hand, not much interest. Plus, he seems a bit behind in regards to milestones compared to Kayla and Brody. So we held of solids for longer. Sleeping is pretty good, but started to get a bit worse around Tanner's four month birthday. He actually developed what they call Baby Bronchitis as well as a double ear infection (which I thought may be the case based on his slight increased crankiness lying down - I mean really slight). So sleeping is still a crap shoot, a couple nights of 3-4 wake ups which was really abnormal for Tanner, but overall still 2 times a night.
Tanner is like an angel baby. He had a double ear infection and bronchiolitis and is still the smiley-est happiest kiddo. He's a joy to be around really for everyone around him. And he's so content just playing on his tummy and watching his brother and sister be silly. I feel so blessed.
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Lots of drool nowadays |
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Coughing is a norm now... |
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Mid sentence. :) |
This is how I roll: